Are you looking to break into turkey hunting? We will be having a detailed conversation on turkey hunting and covering different topics such as the gear you need for a successful hunt, advice on hiring a guiding service, and other tips and tricks that you can benefit from.
The cost of some basic hunting gear can be under $500 if you are a do-it-yourself turkey hunter. If you want to hire a guide for turkey hunting, they can cost between $200 and $1500 depending on what state you want to hunt in and if it is on private or public land.
Guided Hunting Trips
Here in the US, you can find ample opportunities to get guided turkey hunting trips. These are generally not that cheap, but you will often have a lot of options to choose from according to your budget. This gives you more flexibility as you get to decide both the pricing details as well as the facilities involved.
Typically speaking, in the Western US such as in Washington a hunt that runs from mid-April to mid-May with transportation and meal costs added along with the hunts is likely to come with the following price tags:
One Day Hunt/One Bird for $550.00
Two-Day Hunt/One Bird along with hotel facility for $900.00
Pricing and facilities of guided hunts vary from business to business and you can search them up on the Internet based on the location you prefer.
Even though there are greater costs incurred when it comes to guided turkey hunts as compared to the ones you’d take independently, these hunts come with several benefits. They are especially useful for newbies who are still trying to get the hang of things.
Being surrounded by experts in the hunting field, who have been practicing turkey hunts for quite some time, can give any beginner-level person a boost in the right direction, exposing them to new things, tactics, and skills that can be later applied on solo hunts as well.
Even if you are not new to the hunting world, you would appreciate a guided hunting trip because of the convenience it offers.
Although not all businesses offer this feature, many do take care of all the details associated with hunting, for example, licenses, equipment, transport, etc. So if this is something you value, make sure to check with the guiding service and find out what the full extent of their hunting package is.
Must-Have Turkey Hunting Gear
Ever wondered what to pack along for a successful turkey hunting trip? Well, not anymore!
Mentioned below are the top 5 hunting gear suggestions that can make your experience much more enjoyable, convenient, and safe.
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1. Turkey Calls
The first and most important thing that you need to have when going turkey hunting is turkey calls. I would recommend that you carry a box call, different types of pan calls, and distinct diaphragm calls alongside a few with separate locator calls such as a crow call and owl hooter to make the most out of your experience,
Having different types of calls is important because there will be times when a certain call would not get enough of a response, so in such a case you will have to try your luck with different options and hopefully get a response before you plan on turning it in for the day. With turkey hunting, it does require patience, so it can sometimes be a test but rest assured the reward is worth it!
2. Decoys
Decoys are another important thing you should take along with you on a turkey hunt. I’d recommend using the ultimate three-pack of H.S. Strut Strut Lite decoys that contain a half-strut jake, feeding hen, as well as an upright hen. However, there are other options available as well that you can explore and then decide which one works best for you.
Through trial and error you will find out what works best. During the beginning stages keep your options open and try out multiple decoys and calls.
3. Waterproof Boots
One of the worst things that can probably happen when going out hunting is getting your feet wet or cold. With waterproof boots, you can easily save yourself this hassle and remain dry. This will help you hunt more comfortably and will definitely increase your chances of bagging a bird.
Waterproof boots are easily available in local stores and you can even get them from Amazon. If you are turkey hunting out west, you may want to consider more of a hiking boot like this Kenetrek. For turkey hunters in the midwest or eastern U.S. you may want to consider more of a rubber boot if you know you will be in a muddy cultivated field type of environment.
4. Gloves/Face Cover
Camo gloves are must-haves to carry along with you on a turkey hunting mission because Turkeys have really sharp eyesight which enables them to catch even the slightest movements from miles away. So just make sure all your exposed skin is covered when you are out hunting. Again, you are very likely to find all these things not too expensive in local stores.
Covering your face is also a priority when calling in turkeys. This one from RedHead would do just fine.
5. Binoculars
Quality optics are also very useful to carry with you when you are out hunting. This does not only apply to turkey hunting but also to other types such as deer hunting. A good quality optic can really make a difference as it helps you spot birds easily and also lets you judge the size and sex so that you can plan your next move strategically.
This equipment might cost a bit more compared to other products but is usually quite durable and worth the money.
(To see a helpful list of turkey hunting gear, you can check out the Pine Trees And Solitude Amazon list here)
Important things to consider when Turkey Hunting
Here is some general guidance that you should keep in mind before leaving for your next turkey hunting trip.
Firstly, it is always better to be in your hunting area early than risk getting there late. Your chances of locating a bird greatly increase if you sit in the dark beforehand, and set up your position at least 30 minutes before daylight.
Another major bonus is that you get there before other hunters so you can secure yourself the best spot and also if anything goes wrong you will have enough time to deal with it and switch to plan B.
Lastly, remember that all your hunting attempts don’t need to be successful. Give yourself some time, practice the skill and enjoy the process throughout.
Frequently Asked Questions
Lastly, we will be addressing some Frequently Asked Questions so that all your concerns regarding turkey hunting can be answered.
1) Do I need a lot of fancy equipment for turkey hunting?
While you do need some hunting gear to get started, it’s not necessary to buy expensive equipment. For the most part, you will just have to pay for all the essentials such as the proper hunting clothes that include vests, gloves, face masks, shotgun shells, hunting knives, and at least one turkey decoy.
2) Is turkey hunting tough?
Well, many experts and common hunters suggest that Turkey hunting has gotten a bit tough over time. However, if you are truly passionate about it and are willing to put in the effort needed to master this art, you won’t mind the effort involved.
In terms of physical effort, it is much easier than big game hunting. A lot of good turkey roosting areas out west can be found along logging roads, and in the midwestern and eastern U.S., you are normally walking along flat cultivated land.
So it is a game of both skills as well as patience and the determination to learn to get better.
3) As a beginner, how can I prepare well for turkey hunting?
In order to prepare for turkey hunting as a beginner you should have a basic understanding of the following:
i) Where you can hunt for turkeys. Do your research and find out more about turkey habitat on private and public land.
ii) When is the best time to hunt for Turkey? Decide if you will be pursuing turkeys during the spring or fall season. In the spring you can use calls because the turkeys are mating. In the fall you will need to try and use a spot-and-stalk method of hunting.
iii) How can you call a Turkey? You should have a basic setup and understanding of the sounds you will need to produce to attract a tom turkey.
4) What is the best state for turkey hunting?
Well, you can almost certainly find turkeys somewhere in the state you currently live in. They are coast to coast in the lower 48. But if you are going out of state, check with the fish and game department from that state for best practices.
Final Thoughts
We hope that this article has proven to be a resourceful guide, helping you break into the world of turkey hunting.
Good luck with all your hunting adventures! We hope you enjoy the process and bag a turkey this season.
If you enjoyed this article, check out these articles from Pinetreesandsolitude.com:
- 3 Tips For Hunting Western Turkeys
- Where To Find Turkeys: Tips For This Season
- What’s The Best Turkey Call? Top Picks
(This article was originally published on Pintreesandsolitude.com. If it is now published on any other site, it was done without permission from the copyright owner.)